Pre-Operative Bariatric Diet

  • Pre-operative diet should be started 2 weeks prior to surgery
  • Reason:  Following this diet helps to reduce the size of your liver and reduces your risk for possible complications.
  • Diet parameters:
    • Drink 1 protein drink as a meal replacement 3 times per day. NO SOLID FOOD.
      • Each drink must contain 20 g of protein and less than 5 g of sugar (Refer to “Protein Shakes, Powders, & Drinks”, pg 97).
    • Protein powders should be mixed with SKIM MILK or WATER.
    • Each drink should be 8-16 ounces of fluid.
    • Drink sugar free, caffeine free, carbonation free clear liquids between protein drinks (refer to “Clear Liquids”, pg 96).
    • 24 hours before surgery, you MUST stop your protein drinks and drink CLEAR LIQUIDS ONLY.
    • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery.  See the pre-operative instruction sheet for medical instructions.
  • Failure to follow the pre-operative diet may cause your surgery to be cancelled.
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