
Exercise is critical after bariatric surgery.  It will help you not only attain your weight loss goals, but also maintain them.  Do not rely on the bariatric surgery alone to achieve your weight loss.

You should obtain your doctor’s approval for any strenuous exercise, otherwise, start physical activity AS SOON as you can tolerate it.  Establishing an exercise routine before the surgery will help in the recovery phase.

Fitness plans will vary depending on the individual’s needs.  Here are some steps and tips to a lifestyle of physical activity:

  • Set your personal fitness goals.  Why do you want to exercise?  What benefits do you hope to achieve from your exercise program?
  • Establish your own fitness program by following the next steps
    • Choose an exercise from each of the following categories
      • Cardiovascular:   walking, treadmill, dancing, water exercise
      • Strength:  resistance bands, free weights, medicine balls
      • Flexibility:  assisted or self stretching before and after exercises
  • Schedule timing of exercise:  if your fitness level is low, start with 5-10 minutes, 3 times per day and increase as tolerated.  The goal is to accumulate 45 minutes of exercise daily.
  • Set up frequency of exercise:  number of exercise sessions per week. The goal is 5 times per week.
  • Increase the intensity of exercise as tolerated.  For instance, start walking at 2.5 mph, and increase the speed to 3.0 mph as your fitness level improves.

**Make sure that you receive clearance from your physician before starting an exercise program, especially if you have heart disease, diabetes, or other chronic diseases.**


Implement your fitness plan as soon as you can.
Be consistent it will help you overcome barriers.
Monitor your progress by keeping an exercise log.
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