Post-Operative Advise

Follow the recommended bariatric diets as instructed by the Bariatric Dietitian. It is very important to understand that the dietary “rules” which establish the basis of a healthy postoperative bariatric diet are designed to prevent complications including unpleasant side effects.

Protein is an essential component of the postoperative bariatric diet. Protein is important and required to maintain muscle mass. Your goal in this process is to reduce fat mass but not muscle mass. Muscle helps to maintain immunity. Additionally, through strength training and toning building muscle will help reduce skin sag.

  • The goal is to consume at least 60-80 grams of protein per day.
  • Consume 3 – 4 ounces of protein 3 times per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner – do not skip these meals).
  • Always eat your PROTEIN foods first before eating the vegetables, fruits or complex carbohydrates.

After weight loss surgery it is important to slow down while eating. The following recommendations are important to preventing complications and side effects such as nausea, vomiting, pain, intolerance to liquids or foods, indigestion, or dumping syndrome.

  • “30-Minute Rule”: Do not drink any liquids 30 minutes before or after consuming “solid” proteins.
  • “30-Second Rule”: chew each bite 30 times or for 30 seconds before swallowing.
      • Take small bites and chew well.


  • Introduce one “new” food item at a time.
  • Always check your tolerance level and stop drinking or eating when full.
  • Do not use milk as a substitute for protein shakes (it does not provide enough protein per serving).
  • Avoid extreme temperatures (extreme cold or hot).
  • Remember to sip slowly, do not gulp, do not use a straw.
  • Do not skip meals. Have 3 meals per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
    • Give yourself 30-45 minutes for each of your main meals.
    • Avoid returning to your meal after a few hours
  • Always remember to keep increasing physical activity as tolerated.
  • Exercise

Keep a Nutrition and Exercise Journal – Be specific with your goals and write them down. Tracking your progress is important to successful weight loss. Noting what you eat and how much as well as what you were feeling at that time will provide you with insight into your own eating habits. This simple task will help guide you on your weight loss journey.

Post Operative Nutrition

  • General Nutrition Guidelines. Download


Daily Exercise & Nutrition Log

  • Keep an accurate record of your new diet and exercise regiment. Download


Contact 360 Bariatrics today at 972-596-5225
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